Privacy Policy

Protecting your data is important to us. We process all data in accordance to Austrian law (DSGVO, TKG 2003). This privacy policy outlines the most important aspects of our data processing via our website.


Direct communication with us
When contacting us via email or via the contact forms on our website, the data provided is saved for the purpose of processing the request and to answer any possible follow-up questions for 6 months. This data is not further processed or past on without consent.


Online Booking
In case you make use of our online booking tool integrated on our website, you are redirected to the server of the booking platform and your data is processed according to the legal requirements protecting your data. We save the data necessary for the booking process and cannot pass on the information without consent.


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device via your browser. They are not malicious.


We use cookies to customize our offers to your needs and interests. Some cookies remain on your device until you delete them. They make it possible for us to recognize your browser the next time you visit.


If you do not want cookies to be placed on your device, you can change the settings in your browser so that you are informed when cookies appear and allow them in individual instances only.
Our website functionality can be limited by the deactivation of cookies.


Web analytics
Our website uses functions provided by Google Analytics, a web analytics service.


Google Analytics
Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.


For further information regarding the data processing please check their privacy policy:


The service uses cookies to analyse your use of a particular website. Information collected is transferred to and saved on the provider's server.
You can prevent this by making settings in your browser so that no cookies are saved. We have concluded a corresponding data processing agreement with the provider.


Data Transfer to a Third Party
As part of our responsibility to cooperate, we are obligated to provide data as stipulated by statutory regulations (e.g., Austrian Federal Fiscal Code (BAO), Austrian Registration Law (Meldegesetz), Austrian Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO), Austrian Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO), etc.) upon request. Other third parties only get involved to process your direct request (online booking, newsletter, etc.) and are only used if they uphold to the legal requirements.


We make use of the function “Activate the IP-Anonymisation” on this website. This results in a shortening of every IP address by Google within the members of the European Union or other member states part of this agreement outside the European Union. Only in exceptional cases are the complete IP addresses transferred to a Google server in the USA and then shortened. With permission from this website’s operator, Google uses this information to process the website usage to send reports regarding website activity and provide other services related to the use of the website and the internet to this website’s operator.


The IP address from your browser which is transferred via Google Analytics is not merged with other data from other Google services.
We process this data anonymously and solely for statistical purposes to further optimise our internet presence and to make our service more attractive to our users. This data is saved separately from any other personal data on secure systems. Conclusions on individuals are not drawn.


Social media plug-ins
The establishment uses embedded social media plug-ins on its website (interfaces to social networks). When you visit its website, the system uses the plug-ins to automatically establish a connection to the respective social network and transfers the data (IP address, website visit, etc.).


The establishment does not assist with the data transfer and is not responsible for the transfer. The user can prevent the transfer of this data by logging out of his social networks before visiting the website. The social network is able to link specific data to the activity profile of the user through automatic data transfer only when the user is logged in.


The automatically transferred data is used exclusively by the social network providers and not by the tourist accommodation establishment. More information, including information about the content of the data being collected by social networks, can be found directly on the website of the respective social network. Changes to social media privacy settings can also be made there.


Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, CA, 94304, USA
For more information, see:


Google Inc., Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
For more information, see:


Instagram, LLC Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
For more information, see:


YouTube, YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA
For more information, see:


You can subscribe to our newsletter through our website. To do this you must enter your email address and give your consent to receive the newsletter.
You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. Send your unsubscribe request to the following email address:
We will then immediately delete your data used for newsletter distribution.


Your rights
You have the fundamental right to information, correction, deletion, limitation, data portability, revocation, and objection. If you believe that the processing of your data violates the Data Protection Law, or if your right to protected data has been violated in any way, you may report this to the regulatory authority. In Austria this is the Data Protection Authority (Datenschutzbehörde).


You have the right to know if we are processing your data and to what extent. In case of any questions, please contact us directly:


Design + Programmierung:


Mag. Werner Gschwenter

Neurauth 3
6068 Mils
Tyrol / Austria
T +43 5223 41387


If you believe the processing of your personal data violates the Austrian or European Data Protection Law, please contact us to clarify any questions you may have. Of course, you have the right to file a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority or a regulatory authority within the EU.


Austrian Data Protection Authority:
Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde
Wickenburggasse 8-10
1080 Vienna


Telephone: +43 (1) 5311 520 25 25


Wir bieten Ihnen erstklassige Seminare in den Bereichen Internet-Marketing, professionelle Kommunikation mit dem Gast und Telefontraining sowie verschiedene Fremdsprachkurse.


Web Presence

Wir bieten kostengünstige Pakete für den Einstieg ins Internet sowie individuelle Websites ganz nach Ihren persönlichen Wünsche an und begleiten Sie mit fachkundigem Know-how & langjähriger Erfahrung.


Web Referenzen

Social Media

Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl der richtigen Social Media Plattform um Ihre Zielgruppe zu erreichen & helfen bei der Beantwortung wichtiger Fragen für Ihren Erfolg auf Facebook, YouTube, Instagram & Co. 


Social Media

Graphic Design

Als Full-Service-Partner für unsere Kunden bieten wir neben dem Screendesign auch die Entwicklung individueller Logos & die professionelle Gestaltung Ihrer Geschäftsausstattung & Ihrer Druckprodukte an.


Print Referenzen


Unsere Trainer aus der Praxis vermitteln Ihnen ihr erprobtes Expertenwissen. Dadurch wird es möglich individuell abgestimmte Erfolgsrezepte zu erstellen & diese gemeinsam mit Ihnen durchzuführen.


Individuelle Beratung

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Experience · Reliability · Competence

Die perfekte Kombination EN

aus touristischem Fachwissen und Kompetenz im Umgang mit den neuesten Technologien.

Ein erfolgreicher Internetauftritt EN

ist eine entscheidende Marketingmaßnahme. Profitieren Sie von unserer Erfahrung. 

Der Dialog mit dem Gast EN

wurde durch das Web 2.0 revolutioniert. Wir stellen Ihnen unser Know-how zur Verfügung.

Als Full-Service-Partner EN

bieten wir auch die professionelle Gestaltung Ihrer gesamten Geschäftsausstattung und all Ihrer Druckprodukte an. 

In unseren Internet-Sprechstunden EN

stehen wir für Ihre Fragen und Anliegen zur Verfügung und unterstützen Sie mit einer Kurzanalyse Ihres Internetauftritts.

Was andere über uns sagen

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Location & Contact Information

Mag. Werner Gschwenter

Neurauth 3

6068 Mils | Tyrol | Austria

+43 5223 41387

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We use cookies
To ensure this website is correctly displayed, we use the help of cookies. Some are required for website functionality, while others allow us to collect anonymous user statistics. For more detailed information, please read our privacy policy.
I allow cookies for the following purposes: